Styling Party

The ultimate get together! Are you hosting a party or an event? Gather your friends, share a bottle of champagne and some laughs, and get some really helpful styling tips and ideas at the same time. A style party is a great idea for a birthday party, bachelorette party or get-together with your book club friends. Whatever it is, it’s a great reason to get dressed up and have a good time with your friends.

I also go to public facilities and events, such as senior homes, golf and country clubs, holiday events, charity events, sorority events, trade shows, product launch parties, and internal corporate events, just to name a few.

During the style party:

  • Bring some items you struggle to wear or you're not sure about and I'll show you how to style them back to life.

  • Discuss current trends and how to make them work with your own personal style

  • Identify your body shape and the best style garments for you

If you have any questions or concerns, contact via email